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Putting the "fun" in "funeral"

PLOT! Desperate Housewives, Channel 4, 10.00pm

Desperate HousewivesThe second season of this show has got off to something of a slow and frustrating start. We've had to adjust to the absence of Rex Van De Kamp, and indeed to Bree deciding to move on by becoming "friends" with Curious George the ooky pharmacist, despite the fact that every single viewer is currently screaming "what the hell are you doing? He killed your husband, you moron!" at his or her television set. We've also endured Gabby the prison wife, and the madcap adventures of Lynette in the workplace while her hot husband stays home and looks after the kids. Tonight, however, is the episode that we think signals a change for the better.

For starters, we're going to get a little bit more closure on Rex's death tonight. Now that the police have released Rex's body back to Bree on completion of their investigations, she's arranging a second burial. Make sure you're watching at the end of the episode, because Bree finds out something about Rex's last message to her that she doesn't find entirely satisfactory, and all those of you who've been dying to see that icy exterior snap under all the stress might just get your wish. Felicity Huffman also finally gets her reward for spending almost the whole of last season wearing oversized plaid shirts and no make-up by getting a storyline where Lynette's boss starts dragging her out to singles bars in the hope of getting a little bit of sexual action. Again, the payoff to this storyline at the end of the episode is worth sticking around for, and we finally get to see Lynette dressed to the nines and capturing some male attention. Meanwhile, Susan's book agent (remember how she illustrated children's books at the beginning of last season? Somewhere along the line she's now graduated to writing them. Career advancement, or poor continuity, we wonder?) is in a spot of bother, and "Susie Q" gets drafted in to help; Gabrielle is still trying to get Bradley the slimy lawyer to get Carlos out of prison, and we find out a little bit more information regarding the Applewhites' terrible secret. The plot, she is a-movin'.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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I don't like those Applewhites. The son: he can stay and take his clothes off. But the mother must go, pretty much entirely as her name is the way-too-twee Betty Applewhite.

By Blogger Adrian, at 3:09 pm  

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