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Come on Eileen

UH OH! Coronation Street, ITV1, 7.30pm

Coronation StreetWe have got quite a lot of love for Eileen Grimshaw. Even when she's just sitting in the Streetcars office being abrasive to the punters, she always has our undivided attention; perhaps just because we always admire a soap character with a sharp grasp of sarcasm. Let's also not forget that she was indirectly responsible for Weatherfield's first gay kiss, in her role as mother of the now-absent-but-probably-still-a-bit-rubbish-and-indecisive Todd.

It's a shame, then, that poor Eileen hasn't had much luck in the love department recently, especially after losing Phil the phoot phetishist to arch nemesis Gail. It's not so much the loss of Phil that's the problem, it's more the prospect of Gail winning anything and being able to gloat. How nice, then, that Eileen has managed to find Ed - a bit scruffy, but a not altogether awful prospect. Except...oh, wait, something's wrong with him, isn't it? We should have known as soon as we found out he was a born-again Christian: deeply religious people in soaps (the ones who aren't pensioners or priests, anyway) are always evil, after all. Tonight, Eileen plucks up the courage to give him a snog. Oh, it's all going to end in tears, and we just can't look.

Elsewhere, Rita is feeling alone and scared after the break-in and seige, and Charlie opens up to Tracy. With that much evil under one roof, we're surprised there hasn't been a plague of locusts. So far.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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Keep up to date with Eileen as it 'appens, as it were at http://www.corrieblog.tv

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:40 pm  

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