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Fo' real

ADULT! Drawn Together, MTV, 9.30pm

Drawn TogetherIt's such an excellent idea, we can't believe that somebody didn't think of it sooner; an animated reality TV show starring all the different kinds of cartoon stereotypes. After all, Big Brother descended into cartoon stereotypes around two years ago, so we might as well get some actual comedy out of it.

The cast list includes Xandir, the dashing videogame hero who we just have the smallest sneaking suspicion might possibly be a homosexual; Foxxy Love, the brash, brilliant and slightly slutty musician who solves mysteries; Princess Clara, the Disney-type heroine who belies her sweet demeanour and her habit of expressing herself through song by spouting Conservative-with-a-capital-C diatribes to anyone who'll listen; Captain Hero, the super-lunkhead who basically uses his powers to score with hot chicks; and Ling Ling the Pikachu-esque figure who speaks an unintelligible language and attacks at random. For some extra fun at home, try pairing all of these behaviour patterns to recent Big Brother contestants; we're sure you can do it.

We're not quite sure which episode is on tonight (so sue us, MTV's listings are vague, okay?) but if it's a repeat of Sunday's episode, where Xandir and Spanky Ham got gay married for the insurance, and Foxxy and Ling Ling took the board of education to task, you're in for a treat. Warning: there are certain parts of this show that make South Park look like the Care Bears, so don't say we didn't warn you.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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