Friday, May 20, 2005
It's not over until the farmgirl sings
TRAGEDY! American Idol, ITV2, 8.30pm
It’s the final three already, and the title of American Idol 2005 is there for the taking – unless of course you’re Vonzell Solomon, since it seems pretty clear to most of the viewing audience and a few recently-conceived foetuses that Carrie and Bo are this year’s Kelly and Justin/Ruben and Clay/Fantasia and Diana. We’ll be sad to see Vonzell go (assuming she does, of course, but we really can’t imagine any other outcome) because she brings that little bit extra joy into our Friday night, but a top three placing is not too shabby for Baby V. Plus she’ll be spared from having to take a role in the movie spinoff, From Bo To Carrie. Shudder.
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