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Chain, chain, chain, super chain!

ANOTHER PROPERTY SHOW! Property Chain, Channel 4, 8.00pm
We must have missed this when it was on previously, because we assumed it was a new series, but the Radio Times informs us otherwise. See, even your friendly lowculture previewer isn't entirely infallible. We are quite intrigued by this and making a little plan to tune in, as not only is it presented by the warm and alluring-in-a-Sloany-way Kirstie Allsopp, but it's more about the pitfalls involved in moving house than it is about a bunch of really annoying people with more money than they deserve making a profit from renovating a house badly. (NB. We still love Property Ladder, though.) It's an hour's worth of TV, which may be a bit of overkill, but we're sure that Kirstie will be full of helpful advice. How could she not be? We think that every house put on the market should come with a temporary loan of a Kirstie to help you through it. That would solve the drastic decline in numbers of first-time buyers (yes, we watch the news. Stop looking at us like that).

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
1 pop-up comments :: Discuss on messageboard


this show was not very good first series wise, and im surprised to see it back.
kirstie was very much uninvolved in the first series, she literally said hello and goodbye and played no part in the actual 'chain' events. will be interesting to see her role in the new series.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:18 pm  

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