Thursday, December 09, 2004
All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Thursday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings
show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» LAW! The Courtroom, Channel 4, 2.45pm
Sitting tucked away in the Channel 4 daytime schedule, we wouldn't normally recommend this, but it's got two former soap stars in it and there's bugger all else on today. The nominal plot is that of a nurse on trial for failing to revive her daughter's boyfriend, but what we're focusing on is the presence of ex-Emmerdale "siren" (well, she was loud and annoying, so she was a lot like a police siren, certainly) Adele Silva, and former Coronation Street actress Tracie Bennett. We always thought Tracie was quite a good actress, and Adele - well, she had a decent figure if you're into that sort of thing, we suppose.
» GUFFAW! Get Me Out Of Here...I'm An Aussie, ITV2, 10.30pm
In which a selection of eight Australian volunteers are subjected to the terrors of the I'm A Celebrity jungle camp, and attempt to fare better than Natalie Appleton. Bonza, tops as, yute and, erm, arvo.
» AWE! Ghost World, Channel 4, 11.05pm
Cult film following the (mis)adventures of two misfits coping with life after high school whilst desperately trying to avoid "the real world". No idea if it's any good, but it's got an impressive cast list, so why not give it a look?
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.
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