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All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Sunday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» BLABBING! Popworld, Channel 4, 9.25am
Popworld returns after being unceremoniously booted off to make way for Boring Sport. We've got no idea who's on, but that doesn't really matter. Be sure to set your alarm, then sit back and enjoy Simon and Miquita's trademark puncturing of unsuspecting pop egos. But Simon: what about Bellefire?
» DABBING! Colin and Justin's How Not To Decorate, five, 8.00pm
The campest boys in interior design (and that's a statement we can't make lightly) head to Eastbourne to sort out a couple of big kids. Wave goodbye to the cuddly toys in the living room, and say "hiya!" to a calming whitewash throughout the house. We love Colin and Justin, but we still think Ann Maurice could take them in a fight.
» BACKSTABBING! Spy, BBC Three, 10.00pm
Three episodes from the end, and it's no more Mr Nice Spies. Harry, Mike and Queen Sandy Of The Unconvincing Wig set the recruits their toughest test yet: working against each other. Let's hope that lowculture favourite Nicola shakes off her poor performance of recent weeks and reclaims her rightful position at the top. We'll be watching Jennie closely, because we just don't trust her (probably something to do with her being a trainee spy and everything) and we think she's leading nice boy Gabriel up the garden path.
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.

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