Friday, August 13, 2004
Eek! It's Friday 13th! Keep those lucky rabbit's feet, four leaf clover and bar of chocolate of your choice (well it works for us) close to hand, and take your mind off it all by reading these amazing facts about the aforementioned date:
» Cringing at the thought of any more reality TV stars trying to establish music careers? Just thank your lucky Pollards it's not politicians any more: it's 22 years since Liberal leader David Steel made a single entitled "I Feel Liberal - All Right!".
» A party was held to say goodbye to president Bill Clinton today in 2000, and what a bizarre guestlist. Among those to attend were Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, Diana Ross, and Muhammad Ali.
» It's revised dictionary time again, this time for 1998. The entries in the updated tome of this year included the words "spod" (over-studious person) and "phwoah" (an appreciation of somebody attractive). Silly us, we've been spelling it wrong for the last six years.
» A middle-aged Polish woman, Dagmara Stanek, out-screamed 300 rivals to win a coveted international competition. No! Not Eurovision, you cheeky tits! She came top in Europe's only vocal noise competition with a 126 decibel wail - the equivelant of a pneumatic drill.
» Bambi was released in cinemas today in 1942. Ooh, we're welling up just thinking about it.
» Kim and Aggie would be proud: In 1998, Swedish footballer Thomas Brolin left his career to sell vacuum cleaners.
» We're a bit short of celebrity birthdays today, but that doesn't mean we won't go to the parties if we're asked. Celebrating today are: Britain's first supermodel, Marie Helvin (52), and singer Feargal Sharkey (46).
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