Thursday, August 05, 2004
We're still in shock about last night's Big Brother eviction. Well, not really. But if you are, take your mind off it with these "amazing" facts about Thursday, August 5:
» It's five years since the largest ever game of musical chairs took place. A total of 8,238 people took part, giving the first to lose their chair plenty of time to sulk.
» On the same day, the world's largest hamburger was made in America, weighing in at 5,520lbs. It was adopted as the standard size a year later (Okay, the last bit was a lie).
» Anglican bishops voted overwhelmingly against homosexual weddings and the ordination of homosexual priests. What they didn't know is that the voting slips were made of homosexual paper (possibly).
» It's a year since we relaunched the website in pink with the most hideous logo ever created, but quickly saw the error of our ways. And not so much as a card to mark the bloody occasion!
» Happy birthday to: Dead or Alive singer Pete Burns (45) (verdict: somewhere in between), and Just Good Friends actress Jan Francis (53).
» Unrelated fact of the day: Police broke up a food fight between 300 teenagers at a New York school. The students were led from the canteen into the gym, where teachers tried to find out who instigated the disturbance.
By Paul :: Post link
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