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Today's selection box

MYSTERY! The Best Man, ITV1, 9.00pm
PUNDIT! Never Mind The Buzzcocks, BBC2, 9.00pm
REPEAT! Green Wing, Channel 4, 11.05pm

What's this? Has LOWCULTURE gone crazy? No, indeed: we are attempting to preview three (count 'em!) shows in one go. You can choose to view this exciting revelation in one of two ways. The first is that it's a truly wonderful day where there is so much good stuff on TV tonight that we can't possibly preview just one programme. The second is that we're sufficiently excited by the prospect of these three shows to mention them all, but doubt that we could actually justify giving any one of them a whole entry to itself. Your call, really.

Aaaanyway, The Best Man is another two-part psychological thriller from ITV, with the second part tomorrow. It's all stuff that sounds vaguely familiar - Michael and Peter have a deep dark secret in their troubled past that binds them together as adults, causing great consternation when one of them gets married - but it's got Richard Coyle and Keeley Hawes in it, both of whom we absolutely adore, so we'll probably watch both parts for them even if the first five minutes suggest the whole thing's going to be a pile of toss.

Never Mind The Buzzcocks has Simon Amstell guesting in the host's chair, which could be very interesting. We feel slightly as though we oughtn't encourage him to take up new projects if it means he won't leave Popworld after all, but that's probably a giant hiding to nothing, so we'll carry on for now. And if Mr Amstell is not enough to entice you, the ever-enticing Kenzie is one of the panellists. Meanwhile, over on Channel 4 later in the evening, a repeat run of Green Wing begins, in anticipation of the new series coming very soon. It's not to everybody's taste - some find it too long, too self-consciously wacky, or just downright unfunny - but those of us who loved it last year couldn't get enough, so even repeats will be seized and chomped on savagely. If you missed all the hoopla last time (y'know, if you're one of those bizarre people who's actually out of the house on Friday nights), why not give it a whirl?

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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