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Black widow

MOVEMENT! Desperate Housewives, Channel 4, 10.00pm

Image hosting by PhotobucketWe have our suspicions that the viewing figures for this show have dropped somewhat during the second series. We can't really blame anyone who's given up watching, since most of the episodes thus far have been what you might call "lacklustre". However, in our tireless pursuit of really good TV, we can inform you that round about now is the point where it really starts getting good again.

How many of you think that Bree is insane for dating (and indeed, getting engaged to) creepy, creepy and really quite fey George the pharmacist? That story starts finally giving you some answers tonight, as Bree finally twigs that George was responsible not only for killing Rex, but for throwing Dr. Goldfine over an overpass and generally posing an enormous threat to the personal safety of anyone who stands in the way of his conquering the heart of Bree. The resolution is intense and dramatic, and another fine, fine performance by the brilliant Marcia Cross and her immovable forehead. We've all seen what Bree's capable of when she's pissed off (accidentally-on-purpose poisoning her husband, telling her son that he's going to Hell, slapping her mother-in-law, burying her husband in an apparently unmarked grave...need we go on?) so things don't look too good for George. About frickin' time too.

Elsewhere on Wisteria Lane, Lynette discovers some serious dirt on her bitchy boss Nina and plots to use it to her advantage in that passive-aggressive way that she loves so much. There's a pleasant surprise for Gabrielle in the form of one previously-but-no-longer incarcerated husband, and a less pleasant surprise in the form of a nun who's supposed to be hot (but who we think kind of looks like a man in drag), and Susan manages to give her birth father a heart attack. Whoops! As much as we get frustrated with the slapstick antics of Susan, we're not entirely sure that one was really her fault.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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