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Dream interview

It should come as no surprise whatsoever to learn that LOWCULTURE's best friend* is news editor of OK! Magazine.

One of the many exciting things about this position (to say nothing at all about interviewing such hot properties as Tori Spelling and Sinitta) is that he occasionally finds himself called upon to lend a little bit of his showbiz magic to some TV documentary or other.

His latest TV exposure was on E4's CHANTELLE: LIVING THE DREAM – or, as right-thinking people have renamed it, CHANTELLE: WILL THIS FUCKING NIGHTMARE NEVER END?

The first part of the sequence saw our heroine fretting about what her interrogator might decide to ask her ("Somefink about Preston? I'm not too sure!"), but the real joy came when he actually managed to get her on the phone for a grilling.

CHRISTIAN FROM OK!: What's the most romantic thing he's done for you?

CHANTELLE (giggling, coyly): Well, to be honest, I'm gonna keep that to myself.

CHRISTIAN FROM OK!: OK! Well, I hope you can answer this one then. When you first kissed him – cos teenage girls want to know this – were there fireworks?

CHANTELLE (giggling, coyly): Well, maybe I haven't!

CHRISTIAN FROM OK!: Oh, puh-LEASE! There were pictures of you in a bar last week, near Shoreditch, and you were kissing him there, so you HAVE kissed him!

CHANTELLE (giggling, coyly): Giggle! Coyly!

Admittedly, it doesn't take a great intellect to outwit Chantelle, but well done anyway, Christian From OK!

Catch this episode during T4 on some Sunday afternoon over the next couple of weeks (frankly, we haven't the time or the inclination to find out exactly when), or on an infinite loop on E4 this week.

*Apart from when he's being an evil gay.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
3 pop-up comments :: Discuss on messageboard


I think this is a prime example of Chantelle misusing Matthew Wright's advice to 'bounce the question back'. She really is thick as two short planks.

By Blogger M, at 1:01 am  

I caught a bit of that on it's almost continuous E4 loop. I would have taken more notice if I'd have known she was talking to The Mighty ChristyG!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:54 am  

Is it the Christian that used to work at Smash Hits, by any chance?

By Blogger Lost Boy, at 12:59 pm  

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