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A sporting chance

ACTIVE! The Games, Channel 4, 9.00pm

Another piece of evidence in the now damning case against LOWCULTURE's alleged psychic gifts: when The Games first aired, we thought it would die a slow and agonising death. Little did we know that it would tap into the viewing nation's pre-Strictly Come Dancing desire to see C-list celebrities learn some impressive new skills in an attempt to prove their worth for a career resuscitation. A couple of years down the line, and the appeal is still there - even if the celebrities are getting more obscure (it took us ages to figure out who Amanda Lamb is, and we'd never even heard of Julia Goldsworthy until we looked at the website just now).

There are a couple of contestants in the running who are no strangers to competitive reality TV (for example, Michelle Gayle came second - we think - on Reborn In The USA and Javine, bless her, has already experienced crushing defeats on Popstars: The Rivals and the granddaddy of all TV competitions, the Eurovision Song Contest), and there are contestants who are there to feed our shameless desire to see them in a leotard (step forward Adam Rickett).

Believe it or not, there are some people who even care about the scores in this show, so let's pay lip service to that: at the time of writing (which will be "last night" when you read this), Javine and Julia are neck-and-neck in the women's events, and Peter and Jade are tying in the men's events. Currently requiring a "come on, pull your socks up" are Bernie Nolan and Adam Rickett, but there's still everything to play for. Anyone wondering why we're specifically recommending tonight's show? Well, it's the swimming event. Bring on the Speedos...

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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