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Corporate takeover

BUSINESS! The Apprentice, BBC2, 9.00pm

You could call us lazy for the fact that we've previewed this programme for three out of the five programmes that have aired so far. Of course, then we'd have to come and bitchslap you, because we're entirely convinced that this is one of the few shows on a Wednesday night (The Armstrongs being another one) that can be relied upon to provide solid entertainment for the duration, so we feel we're entirely justified in recommending it to you good people once again.

Last week was something of a shitshow for the Invicta team with Alexa as their new project manager, leading them to be the first team so far to actually run a loss on a task. Of course, this had to do with an overpurchase of chicken and an underpurchase of pizza bases and some of the poorest planning and organisation we've seen this side of the ITV comedy department. It's quite a task to make the contestants on America's Next Top Model look intelligent and articulate, but the bemused expressions and the meaningless jargon (corporate speak is evil) coming from the country's alleged best business minds really do give the aspiring catwalkers a run for their money. Anyway, Alexa was fired (not before time), and Syed only narrowly escaped (but his card is marked).

This week the contestants have to design a television and billboard advertising campaign to promote a product that makes it easier to hire Sir Alan's jets (no, we don't quite understand it either). We can only begin to imagine the chaos that the likes of Syed, Mani and Jo could cause as film directors and advertising copywriters, but somehow we suspect that the actual disasters caused will be far worse than anything our imagination could come up with. It'll be great, obviously.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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