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Query 3: "colin and justin"

Christmas can be a very testing time for persons of the homosexual persuasion. It often means leaving behind the all the familiar comforts of everyday life (ie the G-A-Y Bar) to return to the family home. Of course, we now live in relatively enlightened times, and lots of gayers can count on the love and support of their nearest and dearest regardless of what they choose to stick into whom, and where they choose to stick it.

Of course, this is all very well, but the downside of such liberal thinking is that every single fucking thing on the telly is full of cock this and bumming that, which can make watching anything at all a proper nightmare. A LITTLE BRITAIN special might, for instance, contain some reference to Dafydd taking a Christmas tree up the wrong 'un. Mum might think her gay son is a bit fabulous, but she absolutely does not want to be thinking about him being on the business end of some Welsh gay.

Often, the only way to avoid red faces all round is to anticipate when some gay chat is about to start, pronounce the show "boring" (gays are fickle, so this will not raise undue attention), and change to something nice and safe. So we can imagine quite a few people flicking from Dafydd to that lovely Cat Deeley on Stars In Their Eyes to save their old mum the hassle of another trip to confession.

And oh look, it's "interior designers" Colin and Justin looking as camp as tits on a big glittery set pretending to be Robson and Jerome and shrieking a lot. That, friends, is the price of progress.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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