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Query 4: "louisa lytton"

It might surprise you to learn that, given the extreme gayness of this website, a great many people end up here in the hope that they will see pictures of female celebrities. In the last 24 hours alone, 3.53% of searches were for Louisa Lytton, with her EASTENDERS colleague, Lacey Turner, notching up a respectable 1.76%. A further 1.76% were after that porn video featuring Sally out of Home and Away, while the 1.18% of you who were searching for "javine's tits" will, like Javine herself, have to face the fact that she doesn't really have any worth searching for.

A disturbing 1.18% of you are finding it so difficult to source pictures of "kerry katona's tits at the pool" that you have somehow ended up here (bad luck, boys!), which is even more heartbreaking when we consider that only 0.59% are interested in seeing Sarah Beeny's bangers. There really is no accounting for taste.

However, in the midst of this statistical insanity, there are a few glimmers of hope. As many as several of you are still unsure about whether or not television presenter Andrew Hayden Smith is gay, leading us to believe that the same number of people don't actually have a television and thus have never seen him. And our most popular single search term is "robert kazinsky", which we can only assume means that there are a few people out there who wouldn't mind another picture of the Dream Team star with his kit off. As it's people power day, we simply cannot disappoint. And look – there's even some girls in it!

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
2 pop-up comments :: Discuss on messageboard


robert kazinsky is the most stunning guy ever to grace the queen vic. im not an eastenders fan, but i most definatly am now!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:13 pm  

Robert Kazinsky is hot! - i love him, he is just so good looking and sexy! he should so take his shirt off in eastenders and reveal his amazing body that is like a greek gods body! love u robert! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:07 pm  

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