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Query 5: "emmerdale ivan kissing paul"

We simply don't have the words to articulate how great EMMERDALE is at the moment. This, by the way, is because it is so good, and not because we know so few words, because clearly we know lots of words, even if they sometimes seem to be spelled a bit funny or in the wrong order.

Last night's episode was another treat. To fully enjoy Emmerdale, you have to believe that a small Yorkshire village would have its own resident drag queen, who regularly fills the local pub with his special blend of exotic outfits and thinly-veiled remarks about bumming. And if you find you can't believe that, then really you don't deserve to 'get' Emmerdale at all. Come to think of it, you probably don't think this website is very funny either. Although that could be for different reasons entirely. Hmm.

So what if the "so far in the closet he's in Narnia" joke was a blatant steal from Gimme Gimme Gimme, and that the old "ooh no they've accidentally left a microphone on and everyone has heard the very thing they weren't supposed to hear" scenario was trotted out once again. The hilarious script, cracking one-liners and horrendous overacting were an absolute joy. And we REALLY want Paul and Ivan to get it together, even if Paul is a fucking nightmare and Ivan is very much the wrong side of shifty.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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