Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Everybody in the house of love
POP! ONE Life, BBC1, 10.45pmWith the Take That reunion tour getting women and gays of a certain age rather moist at the moment, you might want to take a moment to wonder what happened to the other boybands of the era. Worlds Apart, anyone? And what of Bad Boys Inc.? And let us not forget East 17, the more rough-and-ready alternative to Take That, a band beloved by the almighty Shampoo. Well, we can answer one quarter of that last question, since tonight's instalment of BBC1's popular ONE Life documentary strand focuses on former East 17 singer Brian Harvey.
Nowadays he's as famous for the slightly bizarre accident in which he ran over himself with his own car as he is for his erstwhile career as a pop star. Now as a result of the accident he can't walk unaided, and girlfriend Emma B has the role of nursemaid, a situation which you might imagine is not ideal for either of them. He's in the middle of what is presumably a painful rehabilitation effort after the accident (and the preceding two suicide attempts) and watching someone you used to see on Top of the Pops in this position is likely to be an uncomfortable, if not entirely uncommon, experience.
It'll be thought-provoking viewing for anyone who grew up in the golden age of boybands. It even puts us in mind of the Johnny Hates Jazz classic 'Shattered Dreams'.
Also of interest: Charlotte Church's Confessions of a Teen Angel gets another airing tonight at 11pm on ITV1. Somewhat less melodiously, there's yet more pop in You Are What You Eat: Michelle McManus - Eight Stone Later on Channel 4 at 8pm, which presumably means that we can no longer make any fat jokes, although they'll have to try a lot harder to stop us pointing out that she sounds like a nasal foghorn, weight or no weight.
By Steve :: Post link
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Wtih hindsight, it becomes childhood-innocence-shatteringly obvious that E17 were in fact the country's first chav boyband...
With hindsight, it becomes childhood-innocence-shatteringly obvious that E17 were in fact the country's best boyband...
By 12:18 am
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