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The comeback queen

FRIENDLY! The Comeback, Living TV, 9.30pm

This sounds like a good'un: former FRIENDS star Lisa Kudrow takes the lead in this mockumentary sitcom, featuring faded sitcom actress Valerie Cherish as she plots her return to celebrity with a role in new sitcom Room and Bored. Being naive and desperate for fame in any form, she signs up for a reality show (also entitled The Comeback, just to confuse things) to follow her all through the audition process and beyond, and it isn't long before she begins to humiliate herself repeatedly in front of the cameras.

Borrowing a little from CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM and THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW, by way of THE OFFICE, this is going to be another one of those shows that focuses us much on making you watch in horror through your fingers as it does on making you laugh. We've always had a soft spot for Lisa Kudrow since her scene-stealing turn in ace movie THE OPPOSITE OF SEX, and this looks like a chance for her to showcase her acting chops in a way that she was never really allowed to do in the role of Phoebe. Not only that, but she also co-wrote the pilot episode and is the executive producer of the show, so it's very much her baby.

The bad news? It only ran for one season on HBO, totalling 13 episodes. From what we've seen of the trailers, however, and some of the feedback from viewers of the show in the US, they are 13 brilliant episodes and we plan to catch them all. Plus, Lisa Kudrow looks so pretty in the trailers and it's nice that she gets a chance to do that after years of wearing tie-dye and floor-length skirts.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
1 pop-up comments :: Discuss on messageboard


this was really very good telly. why have ch4 not picked it up? or will they?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:24 am  

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