Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Goodbye for now
CHECKING OUT! Desperate Housewives, Channel 4, 10.00pm
You’ll have to forgive us if we seem a little weepy when writing this entry, but our TV viewing week just won’t be the same without our regular visit to Wisteria Lane, as Desperate Housewives comes to a close tonight. However, Channel 4 have decided that they can ease the blow by giving us a double-bill to end the series – nice try, guys. Hey, we’ll take what we can get. In the meantime, there are a lot of loose ends to tie up, so prepare for timely (if not tidy) resolutions to the following: Gabby’s affair with gardener John, Lynette’s frustration with Tom being forever at work and never around to help with the child-rearing, the on-again-off-again-on-again-who-really-knows Mike/Susan relationship, and the truth about Zach/Dana’s parentage and the whereabouts of Deirdre. Of course, we’re going to need a few cliffhangers, so prepare for an untimely departure, a new neighbour, and an armed siege. The property prices round there must be plummeting.
By Steve :: Post link
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