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And so to our promised update on the activities of Dame Su Pollard (well, we’re sure it’s only a matter of time), and the latest news from her official website.
Lest she should be accused of doing things by halves, her newest missive runs to some 3,000 words. We know that we go on a bit sometimes but that, frankly, is ridiculous, so we will boil it down to some of the more salient points. You can, after all, have too much of a good thing.
» Su is delighted to have been voted Campest Woman In Britain by the readers of Time Out magazine.
» Think you know how to spell the word “love”? Think again! According to La Pollard, it’s actually “luv”.
» She has recently enjoyed a trip to Royal Ascot – which, apparently, can only be “Royal” when the Queen attends (“Poor cow was there every day”).
» Her hosts were HOME-TEK, a company specialising in the intriguing cleaning products available exclusively to readers of the Sunday supplements, and we will be returning to that particular enterprise later in the week.
» Su was sporting a beautiful purple ostrich-feathered, American handmade titfer for the occasion. Alas, her appearance seems to have gone unrecorded by photographers, so we can only speculate on just how splendid she must have looked.
» A chance encounter with Duncan from Blue at the first night of Saturday Night Fever left Su frothing at the gusset. (“I forgot to take his phone number, very remiss, I shall have to rectify that.”)
» Our Su’s shoes of choice that night were some shiny trainers from Tammy Girl.
Su, we luv you more with each passing day. Don’t go changing.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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