Wednesday, May 12, 2004
As you might have expected, our trip to Turkey for the Eurovision Song Contest is something more than a fiasco, but something less than a resounding triumph.
We are currently in the press room backstage, and we all but had to climb the fence to get in here.
The Turkish people are claiming that the security is tighter than the proverbial gnat's chuff, but we managed to blag our way into the arena without passes with a few unconvincing mimes, and a bit of that kind of shouting English really loudly at people who don't speak English to make them understand that we Brits are so amazing at. So Bin Laden himself could be roaming around the place unchallenged with a squad of suicide bombers, and nobody would really be any the wiser
But the good news is that Sertab, last year's winner, is having a party later - and we're invited! But only if we can find our pigeonholes, which contain our tickets. If not, we might as well have stayed and watched the whole thing in Shepherds Fucking Bush.
By Paul :: Post link
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