Monday, May 17, 2004
Well, Eurovision is over for another year, and all that's left for us to deal with are the usual bitter recriminations and British wailing about how the whole thing is a fix and how Johnny Eurovision can stick his contest right up his arse.
Here's an idea - if they really want the UK to win next year, just pick a decent song and send a young woman in a leather bra to sing it. End of problem. Our James Fox did his best, though, but he was doomed to fail from the outset. He seems like a very nice boy, though, so let's hope he emerges from the whole affair with slightly more dignity than Gemini did last year.
The lowculture party is now back in London's exotic Shepherds Bush, but we've just got time for 10 final Eurovision facts to brighten up your Monday. Hooray!
1. Hilariously, the German party reserved a whole bank of seats for themselves in the press area on the night of the final. Presumably these handy signs are the journalistic equivalent of putting beach towels over all the sun loungers by the pool.
2. The lovely Deen was also in the press area before the show, telling anyone who would listen just how happy he was to be there. Well, Deen, we were happy you were there too - although slightly miffed that you didn't honour your promise of a dance at the aftershow party.
3. We are now officially in love with Icelandic entry Jonsi. He was on our flight home, strutting up and down the plane in a tiny white vest, demanding to be stared at. He was not left wanting.
4. Earlier, in the check-in queue, we heard Jonsi clucking. Like a chicken.
5. The naughty UK boy backing singers were spotted in the hospitality tent not an hour before the final. sinking pints like they were going out of fashion.
6. We met that big tall tranny again at the aftershow (see below). She asked us to take a picture of her with her sister.
7. We also bumped into BBC3's Paddy O'Connell, who apologised for not being able to stop for a chat. "If I stay", he warned, "I will have to pee right here, on your shoes". Thankfully, he made it to the portaloo in time and disaster was averted.
8. Now we come to think of it, one of our favourite bits of the whole trip was meeting Lorraine and Paddy at the recording of their BBC3 show. The magic of television was slightly spoiled, however, by the realisation that Lorraine seemed to have all her microphone gubbins stuffed down the back of her knickers.
9. Lozza presented the results of the UK vote against the backdrop of Old Compton Street. She wasn't actually there, of course, she was standing in front of a coloured screen at television centre. Unfortunately, this meant that it looked like she was about to be mown down by a big gay car right at the critical moment.
10. And that, as they say, is that. lowculture will return to normal (ie not being updated very often!) tomorrow.
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