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1. It doesn’t matter where you go in a taxi or what you buy in Turkey – the price always seems to be three of the red notes.
2. The Romanian contestant, Sanda Ladosi, is sitting beside us writing email, RIGHT NOW. Her hair is fucking huuuuuuge.
3. Deen is wearing really expensive jeans for the final. Hopefully he will cut the arse out of them or something before tomorrow night, as his dress rehearsal outfit was uncommonly tame.
4. The after-show party is being held in a dungeon. We claim first go on the stretching rack and whips!
5. James Fox has brought his mum with him. We met her today, and she is lovely.
6. Linda Martin, who won for Ireland a million years ago with Why Me, is floating around Istanbul somewhere.
7. Lorraine Kelly has a really dirty laugh. She looked great in her green pool party outfit on BBC3, but reckoned it was a bit “too tits-y”.
8. She also claims there have been lots of “cultural exchanges” between the nations and is pleased to see the delegates in Istanbul doing their bit for European unity.
9. One of James Fox’s backing singers is Fearne Cotton’s best mate. Another one is Bradley out of S Club 7’s mum.
10. Rumour has it that Ukraine scored very well in the heats the other night, getting top scores from lots of countries.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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