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It’s day two of our exciting Eurovision adventure and, happily, we’re a bit less stressed out than we were yesterday (see below).
This is mainly because our New Favourite Person In The Whole Universe, Deen, triumphed in the semi finals and will now be representing Bosnia Herzegovina on Saturday.
In case you missed his moment of glory last night, Deen sang In The Disco, which is possibly the gayest song in the contest this year (and let’s face it, you really have to be going some to claim that honour). We wouldn’t like to start speculating on his sexuality, but he was wearing a bright pink shirt, and that probably tells us as much as we need to know.
(FYI, lowculture was also wearing a bright pink shirt, so please don’t think we’re prejudiced against the gays).
Our glamorous friend Kim, whose entourage lowculture is forming this year, managed to grab a few words with a breathless Deen round the back of the Portaloos (wonder what he was doing round there, eh?), and he reported that he was feeling ‘so happy’ and that he was having a ‘wonderful time’. Hooray! Happier, probably, than the Swiss contestant, Piero Esteriore, who used those exact words in his song, Celebrate, and came away from the semis without a single point to his slightly comical name. Don’t feel too sorry for him, though – he looks like Federico from last year’s Big Brother, and that’s nothing to be upset about.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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