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Amazing things about Tuesday, May 25:
» Chicago resident Dan Goodwin decided to scale The Sears Tower, with nothing but three suction caps and a Spiderman outfit. He was arrested by police when he got to the top. We think they took the lift.
» The first international symposium on public toilets took place on Hong Kong in 1995. We don't know if that's what they were discussing, or if that describes the seating arrangements, but it doesn't sound much fun either way.
» Star Wars was released in America on this day in 1977. Carrie Fisher was made to tape her chest down during filming, because George Lucas believed there were no bras in space. Return of the Jedi was released on the same day, six years later.
» Geri Halliwell was told to rest after her doctors diagnosed exhaustion following a promotional tour in 1999. It wasn't her exhaustion, mind. It was ours . . .
» Asda cancelled Stephen Gately's promotional tour in 2000 after he admitted to taking cannabis and going on massive drinking sessions with his fellow Boyzone members. We have nothing against blow and benders at lowculture. Quite the opposite, as it happens.
» Happy birthday to: Elf-fancying wizard Sir Ian McKellen (65), comedian Julian Clary (45), Austin Powers creator Mike Myers (41), and Frank Oz, the voice of Miss Piggy (60). Wait a minute - it's finally hit us. Did anyone else think Gail making a dive at Eileen in Corrie last night was very similar to Miss Piggy's karate chop action on unwitting frogs?

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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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