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Amazing things about Thursday, May 20:
» Shoes were made specifically for left and right feet for the first time in 1310. So wearers of footwear of the high-heeled and generally uncomfortable variet: quit moaning! They're meant to be like that.
» Y-Bird and that Scouse Cat (Poppy?) were ordered to depart on the Playbus for the last time after the BBC introduced the scary offspring of Mr Blobby and Jelly Babies - aka The Tellytubbies - in 1997.
» The Beatles began a tour of Scotland as The Silver Beetles, and experimented with their stage names along the way. Paul McCartney used the name Paul Ramon, Stuart Sutcliffe called himself Stuart Da Stael, and George Harrison wanted to be known as Carl.
» Stick a candle in the hotpot! Betty Driver, Coronation Street's Betty Turpin, turns 84 today. But we bet she's still go to do a shift in the Rovers before she can celebrate. Tch! Also celebrating are be-wigged, be-jewelled and be-wildering pop icon Cher (58), the 5ive member whose replacement with a cardboard cutout in a video had to be pointed out to us, Sean Conlon (23), and former Go-Gos girl and Rush Hour songstress Jane Wiedlin (46).
» Unrelated fact of the day: A ten-gallon hat only holds three quarters of a gallon.

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