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Amazing things about Friday, March 12:
» Prince Charles accused the press of being cynical and blood-minded two years ago, saying it was helping to foster a "culture of complaining". Our Elsie's taken the huff at that - she hoped it was down to her.
» On the same day, a 68-year-old burglar dubbed Spiderman was arrested by poilice after jumping between two high-rise buildings. He had apparently used bamboo scaffolding to climb half way up a 20-storey building before breaking in and stealing £900.
» Paul McCartney married Linda Eastman in 1969, on the same day that George Harrison was arrested for cannabis possession.
» Meanwhile, two years ago, Kylie admitted she had taken ecstacy during her clubbing days, but that she had now turned her back on drugs.
» The BBC announced it was going to scrap Eldorado in 1993.
» In her satin tights, fighting for our rights, Wonder Woman took to the screens of American television 30 years ago (!) today. But good grief! Hasn't she let herself go?
» Happy birthday to: Liza Minnelli (58), who has supposedly been offered millions of pounds to fight out her divorce from David Gest live on television. Also celebrating are 56-year-old Conservative politician Virginia Bottomley (remember her?), former MP David Mellor (and him?) who's 55, and former This Morning presenter Colleen Nolan (39).
» Okay, just one more - Eternal singer Kelle Bryan turns 29 today. But her birthdays are tinged with sadness. For it was on this day in 1999 that she was booted out of the band, following Louise, and leaving the Bennett sisters to head down the dumper by themselves.

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