Friday, March 05, 2004
Amazing things about Friday, March 5:
» Crossroads returned on this day three years ago! The first lunchtime show attracted 2.12million viewers, with the teatime repeat taking 3million. And then, having had your fill, you dumped them like some kind of used teabag. Think about that, and feel thoroughly ashamed - each and every one of you.
» Joan Collins smartly dismissed the 32-year age gap between her and her 36-year-old husband. "If he dies, he dies," she said, her jewel-encrusted fingers elegantly clasping a Martini on the rocks(ahem).
» Civil servants had their pencil sharpeners withdrawn in an effort to conserve pencils in 1942. It can't have worked - do you know anyone that uses a pencil these days?
» Excited children headed to a Devon beach in 1997 where Lego was being washed ashore from a damaged ship which had been taking the toy bricks from Denmark to America.
» A Dutch family adrift in the Atlantic were rescued by a banana transporter. We hope it was those inflatable ones like you get in Tenerife. That would have cheered them up on the way home.
» Hundreds of millions of Chinese people were asked to stop spitting two years ago. We don't know why, but it probably has something to do with the force of the gobbing pushing the earth out of its orbit (perhaps).
» Happy birthday to: Former Antiques Roadshow presenter Hugh Scully, who should fetch a fair price now he's 61.
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