Monday, March 08, 2004
There's an endless supply of entertainment crap available to buy, so we've decided to help you to pick out the best (or, more likely, the worst) of it every Monday in this spanking-new lowculture section (which is entirely unrelated to a similar section we launched about a year ago and got bored of after precisely two weeks).
Here's this week's pile o' shite:
» The Sound Of Music DVD ... How do you solve a problem like relieving the DVD-buying public of cash, as often as possible? Keep releasing classic films without any extras then bringing out two-disc special editions like this one a bit later on, that's how.
» Duty Free: The Full Package DVD ... The desire to release every really bad TV series as a DVD box set is quite insatiable, as the release of this latest package ably proves. At this rate, we can expect a double disc set of Bruce Forsythe in Slinger's Day round about October. Anyway, as you may remember, the premise of this charmless 1980s ITV shitcom is that a would-be philanderer, played by Keith Barron, goes on holiday with his missus and, upon befriending another couple, spends the entire series trying to get his end away with the wife. Lovely! Also available as individual volumes, in case the thought of the whole lot in one go is enough to get you into the bathtub with a bottle of gin and a razor blade.
» More Fucking Will And Grace DVDs DVD ... As usual, these discs only actually contain about 60 minutes of material, which is not what we would call value for money. And once you start collecting them you will not be able to stop until your whole house is full of them. And the episodes that are coming out this week have only just been on telly. And probably some other stuff we could moan about, if we could be bothered.
» Please note that our recommendations should not be taken as any kind of recommendation, and that we accept no responsibility for you being stuck with a shelf full of rubbish DVDs.
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