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They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the same is true of the road to Eurovision. As you might have noticed, our plan to review a UK Eurovision contender every day this week went pretty much out the window when we missed out Wednesday. Unfortunately, Gigliola, Your Eurovision Expert, was involved in an altercation outside rehearsals for Saturday's Making Your Mind Up, and spent all of Wednesday in a police cell waiting to hear if she would be charged with the theft of Terry Wogan's shoes. Happily, she was released just in time to file her latest report.
4. Leading Me On – Hyrise
Ohh / Ohh Ohh Ohh
Ohh Ohh Ohh
Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh
» WHO THE...? Hooray! It's a big load of boys. This bunch are Matt (18), Maxwell (18), Ben (22) and Anthony (21). In that little lot, you will find a Pop Idol 2 contestant, a former presenter of S Club TV, and a member of pop's fabulous Scott-Lee dynasty. And not much ugliness at all (we met the boys at the Eurovision launch, and were basically drooling all over the floor of London's Cafe de Paris). They list their influences as Queen, Bob Dylan, Outkast and Alicia Keyes – although it would not be unfair to suggest that these do not shine through particularly strongly in this, their first song as a group.
» WHAT THE...? Only a deeply shallow person would decide this was their favourite purely because it was sung by four attractive young men. Luckily, we're all deeply shallow here so - VOTE FOR HYRISE. The song's not bad either. It's produced by Ray Hedges, the brains behind such pop magnificence as B*Witched, and that's good enough for us. Vocally, they are a cross between Blue and 3SL (not surprising, since the lineup boats one SL), and the song has got that Eurovision essential, the key change (although they cleverly stick theirs in between the verse and the chorus).
» WHAT DID G-A-Y SAY?* Four cute boys jumping around the stage in tight clothing. You can probably work it out for yourselves.
» BET YOU NEVER KNEW... Since 3SL got dropped, Anthony SL has been establishing himself as a DJ, and is playing regular sets at London's top clubs (it says here).
» GIGLIOLA, YOUR EUROVISION EXPERT, SAYS: ¡Hellooooooooo bablies! The one thing that I must telling you is that you are appearing to be fine young men, absolutely of this it is. If it happens that you need help getting in and out of your suits of the Eurovisión, simply call Gigliola and she will be there in a flash to give you the hand job. The song – I am of much having taste of this also. One of you sound like one of the Blue, although I have insurance of who it is.
» Chatter about matters of Eurovision importance at popjustice.com's Eurovision messageboard. Or email Gigliola with your comments and queries. And catch Eurovision: Making Your Mind Up on BBC1 this Saturday at 6.35pm.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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