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Amazing things about Tuesday, Feb 24:
» Two years ago, a Romanian mother advertised online for a woman to marry her son two, saying he was a "nice boy" apart from his shyness. Her son didn't comment on his mother's actions, presumably because he'd been downloading ladies off the internet for some time.
» Badly Drawn Boy singer Damon Gough busked at Waterloo Station in London last year, but despite his chart success only earned £1.60.
» Robbie sent a wreath to Noel Gallagher with the message "RIP Heard your latest album - with deepest sympathy, Robbie Williams. We're guessing Mr Gallagher will be making a bulk order with Interflora sometime soon.
» Anna Ford lost her voice while presenting the one o'clock news last year. Sophie Raworth stepped into her shoes which we guess was the last thing she needed - sore feet and no way to shout about it.
» Happy birthday to: Coronation Street's Hilda Ogden, Jean Alexander (78), Minder actor Dennis Waterman (56), former children's TV presenter Andy Crane (40), and Titanic star Billy Zane (38).
» Hooray! It's Pancake Day today - to make your batter sift 4oz plain flour and a pinch of salt into a bowl, make a dip in the flour and break two eggs into it, and whisk. Gradually add 7fl oz of milk mixed with 3fl oz water and continue whisking. Then fry and flip to your heart's content. But it's snowing outside just now, so we're going to make soup instead.

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