Friday, January 16, 2004
Amazing things about January 16:
» The first Superman comic strip was published in 1939.
» An early example of lowculture caused a riot at the Haymarket Theatre in London in 1769. A man who claimed he could get into a quart tavern bottle and, while therein, sing a few songs, failed to turn up. The assembled crowd went berserk.
» Kevin Webster married loopy Alison in 2000, making them Coronation Street's 50th happy couple. With love to guide them, nothing could divide them. Except, perhaps, the articulated lorry she later chucked herself in front of.
» East 17 records were banned left, right and centre on this day in 1997. Surprisingly, it was not because they were rubbish, but rather due to Brian Harvey opining that he thought ecstasy was great. He was sacked the following day. But they took him back for their later tour of Butlins camps.
By Paul :: Post link
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