Tuesday, August 23, 2005
A buncha white chicks sittin' around talkin'
OUTSPOKEN! Loose Women, ITV1, 1.30pmThe new series of ITV's hit daytime "let's all sit around and talk about nothing much but pretend it's controversial" show started yesterday of course, but it was the final of America's Next Top Model, and let us tell you that it will be a chilly day in Hades before we put Loose Women above that. Not that we're not glad to see this back, of course, because it's a veritable staple of the lowculture diet and always gets a warm reception on our messageboards, and quite possibly a cup of coffee and a selection of biscuits to boot. We're willing to bet that ITV are especially glad to see this show back, as they've not had an easy time in their daytime scheduling of late. Despite rebranding as ITV Day and having a reasonably successful advertising campaign to show people what they're missing, the ratings have remained at a disappointing level, and even Nigella Lawson's chatshow hasn't provided respite from this. We're confident that this will be a hit all over again, as it's one of those formats that's so hard to switch off even if you don't like it: a bunch of people sitting around a table and arguing. Either you agree with them and you feel validated, or you disagree with them and you start shouting at your telly, but whichever way you've still ended up getting involved in the whole shebang. And while we missed pointing out lowculture hero Meera Syal on the show yesterday, today's guest is as good (if not better): arguably the world's first loose woman, TV's Wonder Woman alias Lynda Carter! She'll be joining Kaye Adams, Carol McGiffin and Terri "I'll Do Anything" Dwyer around that familiar table, and we are very excited about it. Lunchtimes are fun again. Hooray! Except it clashes with Neighbours. Bah!
By Steve :: Post link
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God. Breathe darling
By 1:10 pm
, atHa ha. You can't argue properly. You'd do well on Loose Women.
By 7:20 pm
, at
What a bunch of has been missfits.
By 1:42 pm
, atLoose women is for those "oh so busy, pre-menstral mothers" who rush around and yell at everyone before they drop the kids off at school. The only reason they're in a rush is so they can get home and watch this a neuronal rubbish.
By 12:38 pm
, at