Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Get the naughty corner ready
SEVERE! Supernanny, Channel 4, 9.00pmYou can’t throw a spitwad at the TV listings these days without hitting some kind of educational parentcraft show, but Supernanny is, quite possibly, the daddy of them all. Or perhaps the secondary caregiver of them all. Childminder of them all? Oh, those confusing metaphors. However we choose to classify it, childcare expert Jo Frost is back for another eight (eight!) episodes to help those whose children have slipped completely out of control. From what we’ve heard of the new series, she hasn’t developed any revolutionary new techniques (a shame, since we think she’d get even better ratings if the naughty corner now involved suspension over a pit of ravenous crocodiles), so it looks as though there won’t be any huge surprises in store. It’s not even as though they can build suspense by cutting to the midpoint adbreak where it looks as though Supernanny may have met her match with this particular child, because they’ve done that so often before and she always wins through in the end. In short, this is probably not the place to come seeking a big televisual surprise if that’s what floats your boat, but if you’re looking to have a little faith restored in human nature (not to mention see a screaming brat turning into a docile and obedient infant), this is where you’ll want to be looking.
By Steve :: Post link
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Oh Supernanny, I've been a BAD girl!
Super-excited about this being back on telly, although I'm sure my girlfriend will 'accidentally' set the video for the wrong channel while we're at work!
By 2:57 pm
, atThat is not septabul beayvyah!
By 5:28 pm
, atSomeone needs to tell Supernanny that at times a bloody good smack on the backside can work wonders, whether its unaaseptibul behaviour or not.
By 12:41 pm
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