Friday, June 18, 2004
All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Friday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings
show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» RUBBISH! FILM: Final Descent, Five, 3.35pm
Another of Five's high quality mid-afternoon TV movies. This one's the usual kind of rubbish about mountaineers who must outwit a gang of ruthless theives, but what makes it interesting for us is a double whammy of Melrose Place alumnii. Patrick Muldoon played Richard in Melrose – he was murdered by sisters Jane and Sydney for being a bit of a bad lot, only the silly girls forgot to check he was actually dead, providing a memorable season finale in which his fist burst out of the shallow grave they had buried him in. Antonio Sabato Jr was one of Amanda's husbands. He was also a bit of a bad lot, and we think she might have murdered him too, but we can't remember if he later returned from the dead (although this is quite likely).
» MISSING! Coronation Street, No Time, No Channel
Another night without Corrie! This is just taking the piss now.
» FABULOUS! Queer Eye For The Straight Guy
A welcome terrestrial outing for the gang of gays who go around mugging hopeless straight men and robbing them of their masculinity.
» CHORTLE! Bo' Selecta, Channel 4, 10.30pm
Let the cries of "it's not as good as it used to be" start HERE – before an episode is even aired (it will save time later).
» Are we missing something great? Or even something rubbish – we're honestly not fussed! Click on the comment link below and tell us all about it.
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