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The best thing on telly last night was, without a doubt, the sight of the demented Sally Webster in Coronation Street, trying to prepare her talentless offspring for a life on the stage.
Poor Rosie was so terrified at the prospect of being a bit rubbish that she spent all day on the toilet, but Sally would not be persuaded that she was too ill to perform in Grease.
"I remember seeing someone on Parkinson, I think it might have been Dame Judy Dench, well she said that she vomited before every performance and had to keep a bucket in the wing," counselled Sally. "If that's good enough for Dame Judy, then it's good enough for Rosie Webster."
The absolute highlight, though, was Sally trying to raise Rosie's spirits with a gift – her very own copy of Constantin Stanislavski's, 'An Actor Prepares'. We look forward to seeing her being drilled extensively in "the method" in a future Monday night two-parter – perhaps with a 7.30pm cliffhanger where it is discovered Rosie has been taking heroin as research for a role.
All in all, a fantastic performance from Sally Whittaker, who is much more believable as a screeching harpie stage mum than the adulterous sex symbol they tried to portray Sally as a few years ago.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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