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Amazing things about Wednesday, March 17:
» Think twice about cursing if it starts to rain over the next few hours - Noah boarded the ark on this day 3446BC.
» And lo! The New English Bible did sell out its first print run of one million on its first day in 1970.
» A lighthouse balanced on the edge of Beachy Head was rolled 55ft away from the cliff edge five years ago, at a cost of £250,000.
» At the same time, Monica Lewinsky was promoting her biography in Yorkshire. She posed for photos while tucking into chips, mushy peas and a pint of Old Speckled Hen (to everyone thinking of submitting jokes about "sucking cock", please don't).
» It was reported four years ago that "Mr Benn - The Movie" was in production, and that John Hannah was set to star opposite Jane Horrocks. So what happened to it, then?
» Eurovision fact! German entrant Corinne May was kicked out of the competition five years ago after it was revealed the country's entry, "Just Listen to the Children", was a reworking of an old song and therfore against the rules.
» A former lover of Madonna, Jim Albright, hoped to make a mint by selling her old pants two years ago.
» Happy birthday to: Dallas' Bobby Ewing, aka Patrick Duffy (55), Altered Images (of Happy Birthday fame) singer and brief Eastenders actress Claire Grogan (42), and man-friendly Boyzone boy Stephen Gately (28).

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