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Bad news for fans of hot vampire men – Buffy spin-off Angel has been giving its marching orders by the foolish WB network.
This means that the current series (the fifth) will be the last, and the producers now have just nine episodes to wrap the whole thing up.
A WB spokesfool said: "For the last seven years, Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer have been cornerstones of our network. The sum total of the work done on those shows has produced some of the proudest moments in our history.
"Like some of the great series that are leaving the air this year, including Frasier and Friends, the cast, crew, writers and producers of Angel deserve to be able to wrap up the series in a way befitting a classic television series and that is why we went to Joss to let him know that this would be the last year of the series on The WB."
The idiot went on to say that the network was in discussions with the creators about making some one-off movie "events" in the future, but head honcho Joss Whedon is, understandably, a bit upset about the whole affair, and has said he hopes that David Boreanaz and co will be too busy to be bothered with them.
"Remember the words of the poet," said Joss. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." Aww, bless him.
Still, UK viewers have most of the last season to enjoy, but it's going to be a bumpy old ride, and some of the principal characters will not survive to the finale. Happily, amid all this doom and gloom, there will be an episode called Smile Time, in which Angel is transformed into a muppet by some vengeful demons who are producing a children's tv show. Amazing!

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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