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One Non-Blonde

COMEDY! Little Miss Jocelyn, BBC3, 10.30pm

Little Miss JocelynWe deliberately didn't recommend this last week because we've learnt from past experience not to write about new comedy shows until we've actually seen a whole episode. We weren't terribly convinced by the trailers that have been overwhelming BBC channels of all varieties lately, but when we eventually sat down to watch this, we were quite impressed.

Drawbacks out of the way first: it does suffer from the common sketch show problem of some sketches going on for far too long, and it's impossible to say at this stage whether the characters and catchphrases are going to get old after a few repetitions, but the early signs are good: we laughed a lot at the first episode, and it wasn't nearly as repetitive as Tittybangbang.

Our favourite characters at this stage include Mrs Omwokwopopo (not least because we crack up every time she over-enunciates her surname) and her marriage guidance issues, Madam President (who likes to spout clichéd dialogue from old hip hop tunes amongst other things - "shut yo' mouth, you bad motherf-" being a particularly memorable example) and of course Jiffy, the insane parking attendant with a bizarre obsession with the Queen, who knows all the regulations by heart and has a habit of saying "I'm going to write you a ticket. This will take a loooooooooong time." It probably helps that we absolutely loved Three Non-Blondes, but we enjoyed this rather a lot. Fingers crossed for continued LOLage, as they might say on the internet.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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