Thursday, August 24, 2006
Business class
FIRE! Dragons ' Den, BBC2, 8.00pmWe've been meaning to write about this one for a few weeks now, especially since it's rather popular on the messageboards. In particular, the lovely folk on the boards seem to like laughing at the people who come in with clearly terrible ideas and then get hugely defensive when the Dragons rip said ideas to shreds, and...well, we can't really argue with that, can we?
Tonight we're promised some bizarre-sounding bouts of genius, including a foot-massaging shower mat (complete with "reflexology nodules", apparently), yoga for children (, we're stumped), and fireproof spray for super-yachts (presumably mortal yachts have to take their chances with a spontaneous inferno). But of course we have no idea until the show starts just which of these ideas will be ridiculed, and which will be supported with a nice supply of cash.
But let's be honest - we don't really care about the ones who get the cash, right? In much the same way that The X Factor is significantly less fun once the cringeworthy audition sequences are out of the way, seeing people actually achieve what they set out to achieve on TV will never be as ultimately satisfying as watching them fail horribly. And if that makes us horrible, well...we pretty much already knew that, to be honest.
(Looking for this week's Veronica Mars update? Click here.)
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