Friday, August 25, 2006
"I want to batter the father around the head with a blunt instrument."
NEW! The War At Home, Channel 4, 8.00pmHeads up, folks! It's a new US import comedy show on Friday night on Channel 4! You know, the slot that Friends and Frasier and all those other great sitcoms used to be in. This'll be great, right? Well, LOWCULTURE will get back to you on that one. We have to admit this one sounds a little iffy, centring around a family where the parents are all concerned that the kids will be getting up to the sort of things that they got up to when they were kids. Like 8 Simple Rules, only dirtier.
In our continued role as the human edition of IMDB, we immediately recognised Anita Barone (who plays the mother) as the original Carol from Friends, and Michael Rapaport (the dad) from a bunch of other stuff, also including Friends. But you don't want to hear us wittering on, do you? Indeed no: let's cross instead to the readers of our messageboard who've been catching the show on E4 already. LoveMusic commented "I loathe Hilary and the mum, but I love the older son and his best friend." Jen thought "it's reasonably funny for a half-hour sitcom but will blatantly get cancelled if it hasn't already." [james] contributed wisdom on the lines of "It got the dubious honour of being one of the worst shows for families for the 2005/06 season from America's Parents Television Council. I read somewhere the Dad gives his son tips on masturbating in one of the episodes. You don't get that on Everwood do you?" and Beautiful Freak had the final word: "The elder son and his friend are the only thing that makes this watchable. Other than that it's shit and I want to batter the father around the head with a blunt instrument."
Do we need to comment further? No? Excellent.
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You reckon you're the human form of IMDB? - In that case care to confirm or deny that the bird in the pic is 'her who played Sydney in the second series of Hope & Faith'? It certainly looks like her...
By 11:54 am
, at
If you have to reccomend a sitcom for tonight, then I would suggest the far far superior Arrested Development which is being repeated from the very first episode on Bravo tonight from 10.
Believe me, you won't regret it!
By 6:18 pm
, atI watched one episode of this! That was enough to realise that it was utter pantaloons!
By 1:16 am
, at