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Even God Can't Change The Commissioning Process

CRAZY CHICK! The Charlotte Church Show, Channel 4, 10.00pm

The Charlotte Church ShowIt's here, folks: the much-talked-about Friday night show starring Charlotte Church. It's been through a few title changes (we're glad they decided not to go through with 'The All-New Charlotte Church Show', largely because we had no knowledge of there being an all-old one to compare it to), but it still retains the same overall concept - Charlotte Church does sketches and meets people. Whether this excites you or not probably depends entirely on how you feel about Charlotte Church.

It's apparently targeted at a post-pub audience (despite being on at 10pm - who comes home from the pub at 10pm on a Friday? We're bloody lightweights, and even we don't come home that early) and probably won't differ hugely in tone from The Friday Night Project. Apparently there will also be hidden camera stunts and stuff like that there, so we'll get a chance to see Charlotte's comic chops.

She got fairly positive reviews for her turn on Have I Got News For You a few years back, so we reckon she can do the funny. But whether she can hold an entire series together - well, we'll see tonight. And don't expect Cheryl Tweedy to be on the guest list either.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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I didn't think the show was that good, maybe I wasn't drunk enough to watch it!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:37 am  

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