Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Et tu, lowculture?
BEGONE! Rome, BBC2, 9.00pmWe'll be honest here: when we first previewed ROME back at the beginning of the series, we weren't sure it had that much potential to be a LOWCULTURE sort of show. After all, historical drama? There was a horrible risk that it might be educational, for starters, and we could never have that.
What a relief for us all, then, that it's turned out to be FOOTBALLERS' WIVES in sandals, where the battles fought are significantly bloodier and don't involve anyone being scratched by Tanya Turner's impressive talons, but just as dramatic. The show has made an admirable attempt at worthy drama, focusing on the plot to kill Caesar and the lives of the men involved in it, but it's been the women's scheming that's really drawn us in. Atia of the Julii (who still reminds us of THE O.C.'s formidable Julie Cooper, and we meant that as the highest form of flattery) has proved herself every bit worthy of having her head rendered in tiny, pixellated form and used to rate the trashiness of the night's viewing. There was hot lesbian action, for those who like that sort of thing, and striking a blow for male equality in the field of scheming, let us not forget the time that Octavian seduced his sister and was completely blasé about the whole thing the morning after.
Tonight we've got parts 10 and 11 joined together in a feature-length finale, so get your fill of gladiatorial shenanigans while you can. Oh, and start preparing yourselves for the sort of shocks they might have in store for season two, considering they've already done incest and murder. Necrophilia, anyone?
By Steve :: Post link
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