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Our trashy hearts are breaking at the thought that there are just two episodes of Footballers Wives to go before the end of the series. It's not all doom and gloom though – on April 14, those crazy Larkhall bitches are back for the sixth series of Bad Girls!
As you may remember, the series ended on a shocking cliffhanger, with evil Fenner locking Yvonne Atkins in a long-forgotten tunnel under the prison. Will she survive? Don't count on seeing much of her in the new series (maybe just a skeleton) – but this is Bad Girls, so things might not work out quite as you expect them to. The Atkins family will still be well represented, though – Yvonne's dodgy daughter Lauren is set to find herself banged up too.
Anyone who is sad over the end of Footballers Wives can look forward to a stunning four-episode guest appearance from Zoe Lucker, who brings Tanya Turner to Larkhall in the craziest crossover in TV history. We can't wait to see her go head-to-head with loopy Di Barker.
With Yvonne on the missing list, there's a vacancy for the Top Dog position, and Costa Con Phyl (the Stephanie Beecham one) quite fancies the job for herself. Will this put a strain on her relationship with Bev (the Alma Sedgewick one)? Erm, maybe.
We've also heard that:
» There's gonna be a new new G Wing governor – and the staff and inmates flip their collective wig when they discover who it is!
» Fenner goes bonkers, strips naked and runs around the wing.
» Probably because he's being pursued by desperate Di.
» A poisoner strikes. Using poison!
» And, last but not least, Karen Betts turns up, hell-bent on revenge, and probably wearing some kind of really expensive suit.
The best rumour of all, though, is the one that probably isn't true at all – that The Bill's resident nut-job, Cathy Bradford, will turn up as an inmate in G-wing. We'd be prepared to forego the sight of Tanya Turner slopping out for just half an episode of that, but won't be getting our hopes up too much.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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