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Dr Karl is fed up with his lot, he confesses in NEIGHBOURS (BBC1, 5.35pm) today. Which is an amazing coincidence, as we are fed up with him – a lot!
We're also bit worried about Alf in HOME AND AWAY (five, 6.30pm). Why, it's not five minutes since he was in love with the ghost of his dead wife Ailsa, and now he's planning to elope with Colleen's daughter, Maureen. The great gallah! Or is he? Surely the normally sensible Colleen wouldn't be the victim of some kind of hilarious misunderstanding, would she?
Wicked Chrissie is still trying to convince everyone her daughter has cancer in FAMILY AFFAIRS (five, 6.30pm). But it's not all plain sailing, as people are starting to suspect her (frankly ludicrous) story – Eileen, for instance. Her moment of clarity takes place in the unlikely surroundings of a charity auction, and you can be certain that she won't stop noseying around until she gets to the bottom of things.
New characters with mysterious pasts are not usually slow to get their comeuppance in EMMERDALE (ITV1, 7pm). But we are frankly astounded by the speed at which Diane's ne'er-do-well sister's wrongdoings have caught up with her. She only arrived in the village yesterday, after all.
There's a shocking (ie not shocking) revelation in EASTENDERS (BBC1, 8pm), as Mickey (who, by the way, we have decided we're fancying, and we don't care what anyone has to say about it) reveals to the Ferreira brats that they have another sibling. They are soon circling the new member of their brood like a bunch of kidney-loving vultures. Welcome to the family, Tariq. Now hand over that organ.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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