Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Well, don't fuck me then! See if I care!
The Fuck Me Facts are taking a short break, as we haven't received the book they come out of yet this month.
In the meantime, here are some utterly random facts that are nothing to do with December 2 – or lowculture, for that matter.
» Turkeys can drown in the rain by looking up at the sky with their mouths open.
» 25% of cat owners blow dry their mog's hair after giving it a bath.
» Spain means "land of rabbits".
» Banging your head against a wall for an hour will use up roughtly 150 calories.
» Tuesday is the most productive day of the working week. It's also the day on which most people visit lowculture, which would seem to discredit that fact somewhat.
By Paul :: Post link
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