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Monday's Low Points

The schlock you won't want to miss today.
» This Morning 11.30am, ITV1 ... It's half term, so Fern and Phil are taking a well-deserved break, leaving us with the first of a series of highlights packages. If they're throwing away Lesley Joseph on the first day, we can only imagine what delights they must have in store for the rest of the week.
» Ready, Steady, Cook 4.30pm, BBC2 ... About three years ago, the whole of Britain fell prey to a particularly severe mass hallucination in which, for a period of about four months, we all believed that Australian "comedy" duo Supergirly were actually funny. They even managed to convince someone at the BBC to commission a sitcom with them as the stars! Catch this episode for a reminder of just how wrong we all were.
» Coronation Street 7.30pm, ITV1 ... Ken has his suspicions that Roy Cropper is not the father of Tracy's baby. It was never very likely, was it? And, sure enough, he isn't. But who is the lucky man? Find out tonight.
» Never Mind The Buzzcocks 9pm, BBC2 ... We've been banging on about the marvellousness of Popworld host Simon Amstell for months now, but he's still only ever on telly at a ridiculously early hour on a Sunday. But not this week! Because he is in this too. And, if that were not incentive enough, Gary Wilmot is on as well.
» Terri McIntyre 9.30pm, BBC Three ... It might not have been as "thank-fuck-I-wore-a-corset-cos-my-sides-have-just-split" funny as the first series, but Terri and co have still been tan-tastic (ha ha!) over the last six weeks. Sadly, this is the last one – and Terri is thinking of jacking it all in to go and work on the cruise ships.
» Is there something else we should be watching? Click on the comment link.

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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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